Thiton | |
Haha, horny woman | |
Pronouns | She/Her |
Other names | Morfydd Carew |
Creator(s) and Appearances | |
Creator | Revo |
First Appearance | Which Was, and Which Is To Come |
Thiton is a human Witch from Earth-0, she is the youngest member of the Mother of the Night's original Coven, and the second eldest member and de-facto leader of the coven's modern successor.
Personality & Appearance
Ancient and jaded, Thiton is wicked, manipulative, and secretive, meaning she very rarely shows her true face to others. When attempting to manipulate Yvonne, she was shown to be able to take on a calm and reserved personality, confidently and subtly manipulating everyone around her. When the mask is dropped, however, Thiton is much more arrogant and conceited, making it clear that she views people as beneath her, only as beings to exist to further her own plan. Despite this, Thiton possesses great loyalty to the Mother of the Night, and appears to hold her in high regard.
When taking on a human persona, Thiton takes the form of a young, refined woman with long black hair and blue eyes, sharing many details with her true form. This disguise is not perfect, however, as it has been shown to fail slightly when exposed to bright light, such as when her shadow was revealed to Yvonne by a flash of lightning.
In her true form, Thiton possesses long black hair, red eyes, and a pair of ornate goat's horns that sprout from her head.
Thiton was a member of the Mother of the Night's coven[1], and is one of the only two surviving members of its later purge at the hands of Peredur, alongside Moronoe.
After the death of the original coven, Thiton spent much time living in and out of human society, gaining power as the years went by in the hope of freeing the Mother of the Night from her prison created by the Crystal. During this period, in the 1700s, Thiton painted Ode to the Mother of the Night, a baroque-style painting depicting her mistress ruling over her coven. Thiton abandoned this persona after some time, having never married[1].
By 2017, Thiton had taken on the person of Morfydd Carew, a wealthy woman living in a mansion just outside of Stanton-in-Peak, Derbyshire with a view of Stanton Moor's Nine Ladies. Seeking to remove any obstacles to her plan to free her mistress, Thiton drew Yvonne de Montauban into her mansion with the intent of killing her before she took on the mantle of the Blood Knight. To achieve this, she set a Moon-beast on the young woman, although the creature failed when Yvonne took on the mantle and killed it. Still confident of her chances of success, Thiton sent Yvonne away and went to prepare her coven for the next steps of the plan[1]
Powers & Abilities
- Magic - As a Witch, Thiton has been taught in Magic, and is capable of using it for a variety of purposes.
- Doll Creation - Thiton is capable of creating living dolls through magic, with The Doll being one such example of this. These dolls are near-flawless in their human appearance when active, and possess great strength.
- Summoning - Thiton can summon beings from beyond the edges of reality, such as the Moon-beast.
- Unknown Power - Thiton possesses powers granted from an unknown, non-magical source
- Immortality - Thiton is immortal, and can only be killed through the use of specific items, such as Knight's Fall
- Tentacle Manifestation - Thiton is capable of summoning tentacles of dark and unknown power.
- "He/She never Married" is a phrase traditionally used by British obituary writers as a euphemism for the deceased being homosexual.
- As with all of the members of her coven, Thiton possesses a mark used to represent her when required. Thiton's mark takes the form of a twisted tree topped with goat's horns.