Sabine Beaufort

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Draw her like one of your French girls.

Sabine Beaufort (born July 16, 1997) is a Meta-Human from Earth-0, she's the second cousin of those other people who are related to the Beauforts through their mother. She's also got a dead mother and an older brother who didn't take too well to that.


Sabine is the youngest child of Bertrand and Margot Beaufort, and is about 10ft tall when standing up straight. She has a fairly introverted personality.

When Sabine was younger, her mother died protecting her from some unknown incident, leading to her developing a guilt complex over the event, and to her brother blaming her for their mother's death, lkeading to them falling apart.

In 2017, Sabine was reunited with Renaud when he announced his plan to kill her so he could fufill a contract with an unknown being to bring their mother back. About a week after this, while on the run, she came into contact with a small blonde woman, who helped her find somewhere she could stay temporarily and brought in a friend of hers to help.

While Madeleine was exploring her mind, Renaud arrived at the hotel room, intent on taking his sister, and began to fight the pair's protector, Orion. After some time skirmishing with the psion, Renaud ran away while carrying his sister telepathically.

When Renaud dragged everyone into the Astral Plane, Sabine was among the people taken along. She saw the tree as an uncomfortable menacing grove, and was unable to focus on it for very long.

After everyone was returned to reality, Sabine had a conversation with Orion about their shared family[1].

Powers & Abilities

  • Unnatural Size:
    • Sabine is unnaturally tall for a human, standing at around 10ft tall. This power is inherited from her mother, who was taller than her.
  • Proportional Physicality:
    • Sabine possesses a proportional amount of strength for her size, making her much stronger than the average person.


  • As Sabine stands at 10ft tall, this would mean that she has an estimated weight of about 400 pounds, assuming that she has a typical body fat distribution for a woman.
    • As Sabine is noted to have a build more akin to a weightlifter, it is likely that her weight is much higher than this.
  • Margot and Bertrand are the couple who took in Valérie Beaufort after the death of her parents on Earth-2. Why Valérie has no mentioned siblings, however, is left up to interpretation.
  • Sabine is straight.
  • Sabine has Heterochromia, although this is easy to miss for most people due to her height.


  1. The Tree