Marek Grayson

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"Hey, I know better than to get between my sister and her toy."

Marek Alistair Grayson is a Meta-Human living in San Francisco. He is the CEO of Grayson Industries - one of the largest industrial manufacturing and electronics companies in the world. He is the son of the Meta-Human scientist, Elias Grayson and the Siren known as Ophelia Grayson. He is also the vigilante known as Chimera.


Marek is the oldest of three children conceived by Elias Grayson and Ophelia Grayson in the early 90s. His siblings include his younger sister Miranda Grayson, and his younger brother Jakob Grayson.

After Elias's death, Marek and his siblings were adopted by William William and Theresa Whitemalkin. William Whitemalkin was a close friend of Elias's - going back to secondary school. While William struggled to be a father to his adopted children - he inherited control of Grayson Industries after Elias's death - due to being the majority shareholder, and his will not allowing Marek to gain control until his 18th birthday.

By the time of Marek's 18th, birthday, he and Miranda put their plan in action to put William behind bars. After being put on trial and exposed for his crimes - William was then sent to prison with a life sentence, for the magnitude of the crimes that he committed.

Soon afterwards, Marek decided to use his powers to become a vigilante - Chimera. Now he dedicated his time to combatting Eukaryon; while also now working towards Meta-Human equality on a global scale. Eventually, his younger brother Jakob decided to join him as Fugue in his missions.

After raiding various Eukaryon bases across the world, Chimera inadvertently learned of a highly advanced technological pod that had been acquired by Eukaryon. Immediately recognizing the danger in letting Eukaryon gain access to this technology, he and Jakob moved to attack the facility.

Dimensional Armor [Model "Sirius"]

It was there where they ran into Faust and Nicea - both looking for the same technology as well.[1] After fighting and defeating Nicea, Chimera then distracted Faust - long enough for him to move further into the facility.

After finding the room with the technology pod stored inside, he and Fugue spent minutes attempting to break into the machine with technological measures. Eventually, Chimera used his raw strength as a Meta-Human to rip through the energy barrier and acquire the technology inside.

Chimera had then acquired one of the two Dimensional Gears - with him then handing Fugue the other Dimensional Gear. Now using this new technology, Chimera and Fugue were able to defeat Faust - damaging him badly enough to force a retreat from the facility.

Powers & Abilities

Chimera DNA

Similarly to his cousins, Marek has a unique form of Meta-Human DNA which operates on a genomic level to sequence DNA. However, unlike Mosaic DNA, Chimera DNA is not automatic nor mutable.

Instead of re-sequencing itself in order to mimic different Meta-Gene sequences, Chimera DNA involves physical contact with a Meta-Human, leading to rapid absorption of DNA information from the Meta-Human.

Power Replication

Thanks to his Chimera DNA, Marek is able to replicate the abilities of any Meta-Human that he physically touches.

Intuitive Aptitude

An entirely separate ability, inherent to Marek's direct family. Like his siblings and his father, Marek has the unique psionic ability to instantaneously and perfectly understand any mechanism or system that he observes.

Items & Equipment

Dimensional Gear

Marek is genetically bonded to one of the two Dimensional Gears created by Mechanicus - the founder of Thulcandra. As such, the Dimensional Gear is one of the most sophisticated pieces of technology ever created. Marek has ownership of the "Sirius" or "S" Dimensional Gear.

As a far more advanced and developed version of the Phase Gears - Marek has access to a plethora of highly advanced technologies and mechanisms, which are countless millennia ahead of modern civilization.

Dimensional Armor

The default armor provided by the S. Dimensional Gear. A black and blue armor with advanced circuitry and technological equipment built into it.

Block Transfer | Dimensional Cards

The base mechanism by which Thulcandrans manipulate the world around them. Thulcandrans developed the unique ability to take mathematics and use it to induce quantum effects in the material world.

Chimera's specific gear has unique Dimensional Cards which are compartmentalized algorithms. These algorithms carry pre-programmed Block Transfer instructions.

Dimensional Blaster

Chimera's main weapon - a large handheld futuristic blaster weapon with a modified frame. The blaster is capable of firing particle beams that are charged with electromagnetic energy. They can also fire beams of concentrated quantum effects - which can destabilize molecular structures,

The Charon

A large, technologically advanced superstructure - similar in appearance to a futuristic airship.


  • Marek is currently dating Jenny Dawkins - though he's not exactly close with her sister, nor the rest of her family.
    • He has never actually met them - reinforcing his apathy towards them.
  • He has a rather amicable relationship with his cousin - Aiden.
    • Unlike Aiden, Marek is far more pragmatic and willing to go great lengths to protect those closest to him.
  • Unlike Miranda, Marek is not a Siren, though he does carry the Siren Imprint.
  • Marek has a very overprotective demeanor towards his younger sister Miranda and his younger brother Jakob.
    • This is due to years of protective behavior on his part in their earlier years - ensuring that they didn't become collateral to William Whitemalkin's machinations.
  • While his Intuitive Aptitude is difficult to control, Marek has the greatest control over the ability due to his years of active engineering work.
  • Marek has a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He also has a PhD in Mathematics, like his cousin Jonah.
    • He could've gotten more degrees, but he got bored of higher education after the first three doctorates.
  • Marek genuinely believes that Humans and Meta-Humans can co-exist, and is determined to do whatever he can to ensure that becomes a reality.
  • Marek's favorite food is hamburgers - like his cousin Aiden.
  • Marek's favorite color is, ironically enough, red - despite his blue armor as Chimera.
  • He wears sunglasses to give himself a casual demeanor - contributing to his personality as a laid back and wealthy CEO.
    • This contrasts with his real personality as Chimera - where he's hellbent on achieving his goals by any means necessary.
  • Marek's favorite instrument is the Cello.
  • Marek's name comes from the Roman God of War - Mars.
    • Coincidentally, Mars is his favorite planet due to the Iron (III) Oxide reactions that turned the surface of the planet red - as red is his favorite color.
  • Marek's favorite genre of music is Industrial Rock, just like his cousin Aiden.
  • Although weaker than his cousin, currently - Marek is incredibly proud of Aiden's power development, taking pride in his increased strength.
    • This is because Marek sees Aiden as having finally accepted his personal philosophy of personal improvement through sheer willpower and determination - by any means necessary.
  • Marek is a very good driver, and is an avid Formula One fan.
    • While he's training to get licensure, it'll be a few years before he can properly race in a Grand Prix situation.
  • Marek is very snarky and sardonic, and generally has a sarcastic tone of voice when talking to people in most circumstances.


  1. "Recombination"