Sun Wukong II

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"The essence of efficiency is concentration. The essence of concentration is willpower. From willpower stems the core of all achievement."

Sun Wukong II is a Demi-Being and the "son" of the fabled Monkey King of Legend. He lives in Sanctuary City and works as an auto mechanic for his cover. He is also the older brother of Sua Wukong.


The firstborn "son" of the famous Sun Wukong - the archetypical trickster of legend; Sun Wukong II was almost immediately abandoned from birth. Created through a replicated magical process similar to Wukong's own creation, Sun was later sent from "The Aether" - an extra-dimensional plane of being imbued with immense magical power. As a product of creation at the hands of a primordial magical being - Sun's own essence would be shaped by magic itself, drawing attention to himself from the moment of his birth. Fulfilling his purpose as a beacon of magical power - The Monkey King quickly left the young baby in the care of a legendary Martial Arts master living in Hawaii named "Gaihou".

As the years passed by, Sun's natural senses continued to expand at a drastic rate. Very quickly, he came to understand the nature of his own abilities, as well as his unique magical essence. Using these abilities, he then traced back a set of elaborate, hidden clues left by his true father - bringing him towards an enchanted wellspring - which transported him to a hidden sky palace. Having reached the supernatural structure, Sun was then met with his inheritance, as The Monkey King's son. Although given more than Earthly desires could ever imagine, Sun's heart only became more clouded, filled by resentment and anger towards the abandonment felt in his father's wake. That ire only increased, after coming into contact with the Sorcerer Supreme - who revealed the truth of his father's plan to him.

Eventually, Sun would encounter another Demi-Being named Ifrit - helping to free the human being inside, allowing them control over their transformation.[1] He would once more be visited by the Sorcerer Supreme - and given an important task involving the Thaumians.[1] He would then be tasked with finding his sister, Sua, in a bid to aid in his new task. Afterwards, Sun would later confront his responsibilities to his adopted father - ultimately deciding to take up his position regarding Ki and Martial Arts.[1]

Later, Sun would encounter a certain vigilante in Sanctuary City - being surprised by their capacity to rapidly mimic his own abilities and skills. After a brief test, Sun would later advise them on the nature of their powers - before parting ways.[2]

Powers & Abilities

Demi-Being Physiology

As the son of The Monkey King, and the pre-ordained "Monkey Prince", Sun is a being of substantial magical power. Created from a mystical stone similar to his father - Sun was further merged with the conceptual essence of a man. In doing so he became a "Demi-Being" - a magical being both supernatural and mortal in nature.

Formed from the essence of his father, Sun exhibits most of the same physical characteristics and traits of The Monkey King - but with a more human appearance to compliment his "half-mortal" nature. Sun also has a prehensile tail, due to being a supernatural monkey-like being similar to his father, The Monkey King of legend.

"Monkey King" Traits

As a Demi-Being constructed with the essence of his father, Sun demonstrates specific abilities unique to his "family" line.


Sun has some basic instruction in the mystic arts, due to the basic scrolls and tomes left to him by his father. However, Sun utilizes his own magical energies to cast these spells - making their usage rare in most occasions.

Items & Techniques

Ruyi Jingu Bang

A magical replica of the legendary staff of The Monkey King. Much like the original staff, Sun's Ruyi Jingu Bang staff can alter its size to virtually any degree.

The staff also has a magical connection to Sun, responding to his mental commands. Because of this, Sun can recall the staff to his side at will. The staff will also duplicate itself alongside Sun during a cloning if necessary.

Phoenix Crown

A mystical artifact bestowed to Sun by The Monkey King. The Crown reinforces Sun's mind, protecting it from basic mental attacks on his conscious and memories. It also reinforces his mental state, strengthening his resolve against even the most seemingly insurmountable of odds. The Crown can also generate an aura of mental peace and clarity around Sun, easing his allies and slowly pushing against the mental resolve of his opponents.

Warrior Wraps

The mystical linen wraps that form Sun's gloves in his combat attire. The gloves increase Sun's general dexterity, allowing his fingers and hands to act on instinct.

Binding Beads

An artifact left to him by his father. The beads combine with the wraps on Sun's hands to form his gloves. The beads themselves have the ability to absorb kinetic energy and store it for later use - amplifying his powers even further.

"Monkey Style" Martial Arts

Due to his training with his adopted father Gaihou, Sun is proficient at the "Monkey Style" of specialized Ki Martial Arts. The Monkey Style involves quick movements, constant mobility and general agility. It utilizes momentum carried from movements in order to build up strength through striking power.

Sinou Grains

Magical beans capable of healing any injury.

Instantaneous Transmission

A movement technique inherent to Sun. By using his magical power, Sun can transport himself across Space-Time instantaneously.

With increased power, this ability can potentially be used to move through time - as long as a reference point is first established in the past.


  • Sun originally had a proficiency for Ki - however, that was later given to his sister; creating a contrast in their approaches to combat.
  • He was originally supposed to be designed as an alien from another planet - though that was later changed in favor of a mystical approach.
  • Sun is a very accomplished chef. He even wants to open his own restaurant eventually.
  • Sun is an avid racing fan - and loves Formula One racing, much like another adrenaline seeker.
  • Sun was heavily inspired by Strike Eagle - an older Meta-Human hero from decades prior.
    • Mainly, he was inspired by his fighting style, being more refined and focused compared to that of other heroes.
    • He was also a fan of Strike Eagle's choice of transportation - a modified experimental hovercraft racing vehicle.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Journey"
  2. "Turf Wars" [Part 0 - Prologue]