The Gods

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The Gods, also known as the Archetypes are the physical manifestations of humanity's collective beliefs and ideals. They are a manifestation of the power held by the Concept IsoMatrix.

Djehuty | Thoth - The Egyptian God of Knowledge and Magic


As beings constructed almost entirely of conceptual power and will, the Gods are primarily immaterial beings with physical avatars. The Gods originate from Godspace - a metaphysical realm beyond that of normal reality.

Most Gods are conceptually gestated when a group of humans begin to collectively believe in an idea - to a threshold point known as Conceptual Mass. Once Conceptual Mass has been reached in the form of collective human beliefs about a subject - a new "God" is gestated or "born" in Godspace.

All of the Gods owe their existence to the humans who have come to associate their nature with particular ideas. Because of this, the Gods are susceptible to the mental convictions of those who created them. This leads to a delicate balance where proportional belief in Gods is necessary to sustain their existence - but that belief must be genuine as well.

Any form of mass psionic manipulation will not lead to any changes in the believes of Gods - due to the lack of true conceptual priming.

Observational Ties

The Gods were constructed with the abilities provided to humanity by the Concept IsoMatrix - specifically the ability of Observation. This ability is based on Axiomatic Perception - meaning the Gods can have their strength altered by the conscious perceptions of human beings.

Observation can also be used by human beings to destroy the physical avatars of Gods | Archetypes. By focusing their intent to embody the power of the Gods, humans with Observation can gain strength, knowledge and even items associated with the Gods; achieving this through the destruction of their physical avatars and bodies.

Gods can even have their associations altered and changed by humans at large - through Observation as well. As various Gods have their associations mixed and interchanged over the centuries - they are then assimilated in Godspace, becoming new hybrid beings.


On very rare occasions, human beings can inadvertently use their powers of Observation to forge a direct connection with the Gods. This connection is a one way phenomenon, imbuing the human with the powers and abilities of the God - without having destroyed their physical avatars.

Human beings who have gained Godly powers through this association are known as Conduits.

Paladin - A Conduit of the Roman Gods

The connections of Conduits can be disrupted through supernatural means; primarily magical spells.

Certain Conduits, like Paladin, are imbued with the powers of multiple Gods | Archetypes - giving them access to a plethora of supernatural abilities that they can use.


Godspace is the hyper-dimensional plane of existence by which The Gods reside in their pure abstract forms.

In a manner similar to Plato's "Forms", the true essence of the Gods are maintained in this higher plane - even if their physical avatars are destroyed.

As an aspect of the Concept IsoMatrix - Godspace itself is highly mutable by the ideas and perceptions of the humans who created the Gods.

A strong enough belief that is reinforced by countless humans - can become a powerful tool for reshaping the nature of Godspace, altering the rules by which the essences of the Gods are maintained.

Sorcerer Supreme Ties

As Archetypal beings created and maintained by humanity's collective beliefs - the Gods are susceptible to high level magical forces. Said forces are employed by The Crystal - the central pillar of the Sanctums, when attempting to acquire aid for their own purposes.

The Crystal of any Universe can bind a God to them and their Sanctum for the purposes of protecting them. They can also be materially bound to the Sanctum for the purposes of training a prospective Sorcerer Supreme.

While the dynamics of interaction between the Gods and the Crystals is generally one-sided, the material benefit for their services involves the continued protection of humanity on Earth - the core sustaining factor of their existence as Gods.

Furthermore, once their task has been completed, the Gods are usually unbounded from their service to the Crystal - reinforcing the transactional nature of their interactions in the Sanctum.


  • The Gods can exist in various different forms - depending on the perception of the observer.
  • Different cultures with different interpretations of the same Gods can lead to simultaneous manifestations.
    • The Greek Gods and their Roman counterparts are a good example.
      • Due to their prevalence in beliefs held by ancient civilizations - Gods like Poseidon and Neptune exist in Godspace simultaneously.
  • The Crystal tends to prefer Magic focused Gods in order to protect itself.
    • However, non Magic focused Gods may suffice if no alternatives exist.
  • The Conduits are specifically referring to Humans who are borrowing the powers of Gods.
    • The name cannot be applied to Humans who are borrowing powers from non-Godly beings.
      • Ifrit is one such being - drawing power from Asmodeus instead of a God.
  • The Gods generally refrain from interacting with Earth due to the danger it poses to their own existence - being structural constructs built from the naturally occurring beliefs of Humans on the planet.
  • While these Archetypal beings are typically referred to as Gods, the title isn't exclusive to them. Other entities in the Multiverse may also be referred to as Gods, if someone views them as such.