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Magic Particles


A product of the Magic IsoMatrix and one of the governing forces of the multiverse.

Also Called

  • Magick/Magik/Magyk
  • Sorcery
  • Witchcraft



Supernatural Force Manipulation: Utilize extraordinary and very powerful forces that can relate to supernatural world that operate in them both physically and metaphysically.

Sources (Typical)

Some examples of the potential use of magic:

Offensive Magic

Defensive Magic

Miscellaneous Abilities



Although there is no universal classification system for Magic ability, it can hypothetically be broken down as:

  • Novice
    • The practitioner is a beginner in the use of Magic. They may have little to no experience, and have limited understanding of their craft.
  • Intermediate
    • The practitioner has some experience in the use of Magic. They likely are capable of performing numerous forms of magic, as well as specializing in certain forms.
  • Advanced
    • The practitioner has a lot of experience with Magic. They are likely capable of performing feats of magic that are considered complex, as well as being knowledgeable about the inner workings of their craft.
    • Practitioners of this level typically are capable of being a competent teacher of their craft.
  • Expert
    • Often considered masters of their field, these Magic practitioners are highly experienced. Practitioners of this caliber are likely known as complete masters of one, or several forms of Magic. They may be capable of feats seen as highly complex, or even nigh-impossible to the typical practitioner.
    • These Magicians are often highly regarded as talented teachers, and may serve highly sought after roles in more magic inclined societies.
  • Godly
    • Practitioners of this level are often likened to gods, having an almost unfathomable level of skill and experience. Magicians of this level are the best of the best, having the skill and power to make even the most highly regarded masters of magic look like nothing more than a child in comparison.
    • Typically Magicians of this level tend to be supernatural entities such as the Gods of Humanity. However, this isn't to say a mortal can't attain this skill level. It's simply a more rare occurrence.
  • Supreme
    • Practitioners of this level are the rarest of all, appearing virtually omnipotent to even the most experienced and powerful of magicians. Practitioners of this tier are virtually unrivaled, capable of feats that seemingly defy all logic. Even some Magical Entities may struggle to comprehend their sheer abilities.
    • Magicians of this caliber tend to be entities that are intrinsically tied to the forces of Magic, or some form of foreign entity from a place seen as different from the "usual" spaces of the Multiverse. A mortal attaining this level while extremely unlikely, is possible.

Keep in mind that these examples are not universal, and different groups or even individuals may have their own ways of classifying magical power and skill.



  • All Magic is subservient to the Magic IsoMatrix. No form of Magic, no matter how powerful may supersede it.
  • Many Magical Energies, notably Mana tend to be volatile in the presence of Speedforce energies. Making them unstable and presenting a danger to both Magician and Speedster.


  • Omni Stole this page formatting from the Superpower Wiki

Known Kinds of Magic

Known Users