Amy Hyde

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She's probably cooler than you.

Amy Hyde (Born June 3, 1999) is a Meta-Human, Mage and member of the Hyde family from Suffolk, England.


Amy is a Mage and one of the three living members of the Hyde family. She doesn't care about her family's religion, but goes along with what her brother and sister want for the most part. Unlike her sister, Allison behaves much less conservatively. Instead, she behaves much more like a modern teenager and prefers to spend her days hanging around using the internet or chatting with people. Unbeknownst to her brother, Amy is in fact a Meta-Human. Something which she and her sister keep from him out of fear of how he might react.

Currently, Amy is living with both of her siblings. She assists with her brother's crusade against Meta-Humans, despite not really believing in it herself.

Powers & Abilities

  • Magic
    • Although not very good at it, Amy is capable of casting spells. They tend to be very weak and poorly controlled, often times even failing to be properly cast at all.
  • Technological Aptitude
    • As a result of her Meta-Gene, Amy is naturally talented at working with technology, both mechanical and electrical. She can modify and create just about anything she can think of without needing any training. And with her family's insights on Magic, she's capable of creating technology that can utilize Mana, allowing her to get around her poor skill in spell casting to a degree.
    • On the downside, if something is too advanced compared to what she's used to, it may be difficult for her to wrap her head around and would take longer to figure out. Such as Thulcandran technology, to name an example.


  • Amy is a lesbian. Her sister knows and is in denial about this, while her brother doesn't pay enough attention to know.
  • Amy has a habit of sometimes talking or even laughing in a bit of a monotone voice. Usually when she's trying to behave in an uncaring way.
  • She notably has an extremely flat chest but its well muscled and curved below her waste, despite not exercising.
  • Her least favorite color is pink and if you ask her about it she'll call it gay.