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Rafael Thaumiel - The Co-Founder of Thulcandran Society

Thulcandrans (also known as Homo Conceptus) are an offshoot of Humanity from the planet Thulcandra - and native to Earth-100. They are human beings who have been rapidly evolved, due to a Power Storm that bombarded Planet Earth in the 21st Century.

They are the premier and dominant species of their universe, and have ruled over it for eons, perpetuating life across various planets while doing so.

Their ruling class, the Chronarchs - are the self-proclaimed "Masters of Reality", beings capable of manipulating the fabric of space-time to the point of bending existence to their whims.


Thulcandrans were created on January 1st, 2017 on Earth-100. On that day, the planet was bombarded with a massive surge of extra-dimensional energy, which seemingly only affected human beings.

As most of humanity were incapacitated by the energies bombarding them - a select few metabolized the energies and rapidly mutated, becoming the first Thulcandrans.

Immediately, those Thulcandrans began to make substantial advances in mathematics as well as the scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology and psychology.

Eventually, those first Thulcandrans, eventually became Chronarchs, through their further experimentation with energies from higher dimensions.

Those first few Chronarchs would then become the founders of Thulcandran society - unifying the Earth under their structural government, and renaming the planet to Thulcandra.

Throughout the various conflicts in their history, from their war against extra-dimensional vampiric monsters, to their quashing of a sentient nanite colony rebellion - the Thulcandrans have continued to assert themselves as the dominant species in their universe.

However, an unknown multiversal threat has forced their hand - and caused them to retreat from their home universe for the first time in their history; leading to their retreat to the furthest universe they could seek refuse, Earth-0.


The Thulcandrans are generally hedonistic beings - with a disinterest in the rest of their universe. As the self-proclaimed "Masters of Reality" they generally see themselves as existing far beyond the experiences of all other sentient life in their universe.

Their general disregard for their universe they themselves helped to create - has led to various altercations between themselves and other life forms. The Thulcandrans themselves exist in a relative caste system, where the Chronarchs manage and inform every aspect of Thulcandran life.


Thulcandrans are a hyper-advanced variant of Human Beings - and as such, are capable of far more advanced biological functions.

These functions include:

  • Supernatural Physical Characteristics
  • Hyper-Intelligence (Due to evolved brain structure)
  • Parallel Processing
  • Supernatural Memory Storage
  • Extra-Sensory Perception | ESP
  • Multiple Sets of Organs
  • Perpetual Energy Generation

Thulcandran Abilities

As conduits of the Power IsoMatrix, they are similar to Meta-Humans, only far more powerful - due to their greater connection to the Power IsoMatrix.

Self-Molecular Manipulation

The primary ability of all Thulcandrans. They can demonstrate full control over their body's molecular structure, and all its assorted molecules and atoms.

This allows them:

  • Density Control
  • Reinforced Armor
  • Temperature Control
  • Invisibility
  • Intangibility
  • Size Alteration
  • Partial Adaptation
  • Shapeshifting
    • Regeneration DNA Strand
  • Vibration Control


A specialized variant of Shapeshifting, devised by Rafael Thaumiel - which involves utilizing vast quantities of cosmic energy to reconstruct the Thulcandran's body.

This leads to the Thulcandran expelling any internal toxins and hazardous materials from their body, as well as allowing for a massive energy release.

The ability can also be used to regenerate the Thulcandran into any physical or immaterial form - not necessarily that of a Thulcandran or a Human either.


Due to their ability to generate vast quantities of energy, Thulcandrans can convert this energy into psionic energy in order to manifest psionic abilities.

Said abilities include:

  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Memory Manipulation
  • Information Control
  • Empathy
  • Illusions

Chronarch Abilities

Abilities exclusive to Chronarchs - the Thulcandrans who have been further exposed to supernatural energies, including those seemingly connected to different higher powers.

Time Manipulation

Chronarchs, via their further exposure to the Power IsoMatrix's energies, can bend time in a localized sense, to a substantial degree.

They are capable of:

  • Time Slow
  • Time "Stop" (infinitesimally slow movement)
  • Time Reversal
  • Time Looping
  • Time Sight
  • Localized Personal Timeline (allowing for rapid movement from the perspective of the user)
  • Temporal DNA Strand

Space Manipulation

Chronarchs are also capable of manipulating space in a localized sense as well, allowing them relative control over positioning and the orientation in three dimensional space.

Their powers include:

  • Teleportation (by folding space)
  • Portal Creation (by creating holes in space)
  • Displacement
  • Space Erasure (by ripping space apart)
  • Space Expansion (by stretching space at the seams gradually)

Evolved Supernatural Characteristics

Chronarchs regularly demonstrate physical characteristics that far exceed those of standard Thulcandrans.

Their manipulation of their own molecular structures now stretches to the sub-atomic level, thanks to their heightened evolution, drastically increasing the scale of their existing abilities.

Chronarchs are capable of:

  • Supernatural Physical Characteristics (Strength, Speed, Durability, etc. etc.)
  • Massively Faster Than Light (MFTL) Travel (Through bending the fabric of space-time itself around them)
  • Infinite Stamina (Through perfect control over their sub-atomic structures, gaining infinite energy efficiency)
  • Evolved Senses (Can see changes in localized spatial and temporal phenomena)
  • Gradual Evolution (Physical characteristics only increase with time)

Conceptual Mechanics | Algorithmic Reality Warping

A form of reality warping, devised by the Chronarchs. By utilizing their immense cognitive and psionic abilities, Chronarchs are able to warp the very fabric of reality itself in a localized manner.

Conceptual Mechanics is achieved through the exploitation of quantum effects via psionic manipulation. The advanced brains of Chronarchs - which function like organic quantum computers, allow them the capacity to create complex mathematical algorithms.

The algorithmic approach to quantum based phenomena employed by the Chronarchs, allows for the creation of chain reactions in quantum states - resulting in large, precise changes in the fabric of reality itself; also known as reality warping.

This allows them immense control over their environment - within a limited range of action. Usually around 100 cubic meters.


TTC Exterior

Trans-Temporal Carrier (TTC)

A Quantum Tuner Device

A multi-dimensional machine, created by the Chronarchs for their own personal use. The TTC is a sentient, higher dimensional being, enclosed in a three-dimensional "shell" made up of a unique meta-material.

As a higher dimensional being, the TTC is able to move beyond the confines of traditional space-time, allowing for transportation across the entirety of space, and throughout time as well.

The TTCs are also capable of housing entire planes of existence within them, as they themselves are large multi-dimensional superstructures.

In addition, the TTCs serve as the main base of operations for their respective Chronarch - who they choose through a psionic imprimatur link during their construction.

Quantum Tuners

Small wand-like devices held by Chronarchs. They allow for the remote and wireless interfacing with all manner of sophisticated technology.

The Tuners do not allow for the manipulation of more "primitive" analogue technology - such as vehicles or elevators.

Only devices with a level of sophisticated electronic circuitry and operating system integration can be manipulated by them.

The Tuners can also be used to absorb and redirect electromagnetic radiation.


  • The Thulcandrans are named after the book "Out of the Silent Planet" - in which the Malacandrans deemed "Thulcandra" as their name for the planet Earth.
  • Thulcandrans look visually identical to humans, with no outward differences that are discernible at a first glance.
    • Chronarchs, however, always have snow white hair in their natural state. This can obviously be manipulated, but their default state has white hair, regardless of the regeneration.
    • The white hair is a byproduct of their metamorphosis due to their further exposure to the Power IsoMatrix's energies.
  • Thulcandrans generally have an aversion to their history as Humans - choosing to forego the past in favor of their own choices.