Maxwell Sefirot

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"Eizen" - Maxwell's Thulcandran Form

Maxwell Eizen Sefirot is a Thulcandran Chronarch - and the younger brother of Laplace Sefirot. He is the Thulcandran High Commander, and the second greatest warrior in Thulcandran history - behind the Prime Destroyer.


Maxwell followed in his older brother, Laplace's footsteps - experiencing the same circumstances that led to him becoming a Thulcandran and later a Chronarch. Afterwards, he became the central defender of the Chronarch Order within Thulcandra - destroying any and all opposition to their rule, and maintaining their hegemony.

For this, he was granted the title of High Commander of the Thulcandran Military - a title only held once prior by an even greater warrior, the Prime Destroyer.

As High Commander, and as a person who is unquestionably loyal to the aims of his older brother - Maxwell accompanies Laplace as his personal bodyguard.

Powers & Abilities

Maxwell has all the same powers and abilities as his older brother Laplace, and as all Thulcandrans and Chronarchs.

This includes:

Thulcandran Abilities

  • Supernatural Physical Characteristics
  • Hyper-Intelligence (Due to evolved brain structure)
  • Parallel Processing
  • Supernatural Memory Storage
  • Extra-Sensory Perception | ESP
  • Multiple Sets of Organs
  • Vibration Control
  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Memory Manipulation
  • Information Control
  • Empathy
  • Illusions
    Maxwell's Magitek Armor

Chronarch Abilities

  • Time Slow
  • Time "Stop" (infinitesimally slow movement)
  • Time Reversal
  • Time Looping
  • Time Sight
  • Localized Personal Timeline (allowing for rapid movement from the perspective of the user)
  • Temporal DNA Strand
  • Teleportation (by folding space)
  • Portal Creation (by creating holes in space)
  • Displacement
  • Space Erasure (by ripping space apart)
  • Space Expansion (by stretching space at the seams gradually)


By accompanying his older brother on his journeys, Maxwell has also learned various forms of magic. Though not as well versed as his brother, Maxwell is still capable of the following magical abilities:

  • Mana Absorption
  • Mystical Bolts
  • Constructs
  • Auto Shields
  • Magical Energy Fields
  • Spell Casting


Trans-Temporal Carrier (TTC)

Like all Chronarchs, Maxwell has a personal Trans-Temporal Carrier. However, his TTC remains back on Thulcandra, as he accompanies Laplace in his TTC instead.

Quantum Tuner

As a Chronarch, Maxwell carries a Quantum Turner that is also modified like his brothers. Much like Laplace's Quantum Turner, Maxwell's is used to more properly hone his spell casting and magical energy focusing.


  • Maxwell is named after Maxwell's Demon - a hypothetical thought experiment involving the potential undermining of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
  • As the main warrior of the Thulcandran Military, Maxwell finds immense pride in his combat capabilities - seemingly trained in every form of martial art ever conceived by human minds.
  • Much like his older brother Laplace, Maxwell finds disdain for Humans - seeing them as lesser than Thulcandrans, and prone to emotion-induced errors in judgment.