Meta-Human Alliance

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The Meta-Human Alliance (or MHA) is a Meta-Human political organisation, they are known for their extreme views and violent methods.


Hollow claimed to be a member of the MHA when he attacked The Wedge, and that Providence was the progenitor of its ideals [1].

Madeleine claimed that the MHA had not denied that they were behind the attack on The Wedge, and that they had attacked further holding facilities, but her friend pointed out that the attack did not match their usual MO, and that the later attacks were much more visible [2].

Notable Members


  • The MHA has cells in almost every country worldwide, making them one of the most-widespread political organisations on the planet
  • The exact number of members that the MHA is unknown, but conservative estimates places membership at least 250,000 members worldwide.


  1. The Wedge
  2. Sicilian Dragon