Akito Tasogare

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Akito Tasogare is a Para-Human | Meta-Human hybrid - currently living in Kyoto, Japan. He is the head of the Tasogare family and CEO of the Seishi Corporation.

Akito Tasogare
Yes, he's aware of the eyeliner.
"Akito Tasogare"

May 5th, 1996
Kyoto, Japan
Parent(s)Hiruzen Tasogare (father), Sakura Tasogare (mother)
RelativesAsami Tasogare (sister) Hanabi Tasogare (daughter) Hitomi Tasogare (daughter)
FamilyTasogare family

As the current wielder of the Eien no Yoru, Akito is also known as Kagemusha - the leader of the Shadows.


Early Life

Akito was born to Hiruzen and Sakura Tasogare - the former leaders of the Tasogare family in Japan. As the first born son and successor to the mantle of Kagemusha, Hiruzen ensured that Akito would proceed with the transference ritual as a child.

Through the ritual, the power of the Eien no Yoru blade was transferred to Akito - along with the malevolent consciousness harbored within. Eventually, his father passed away after succumbing to injuries from an assassination attempt - with his mother having already left earlier in his life due to unknown reasons.

As a teenager, Akito was then burdened with the responsibility of leading the Tasogare family to prominence. To that end, he devised a plan to systematically weaken and destroy their main obstruction - the Hoyokazi family.


After reaching young adulthood at the age of 18, the power of the Eien no Yoru blade would slowly start to influence Akito's mind - compelling him to engage in greater displays of force and strength towards his goal.

To that end, he began to commune with the spirit of the God-like being contained within the blade. The spirit would then begin instructing Akito on how to master his innate abilities, while also instructing him in the art of swordsmanship.

Once his training was complete, Akito would then become the new Kagemusha. He then assumed full command of the Shadows; a supernatural shinobi force that enforces the will of the Tasogare family.

Current Events

As Kagemusha, Akito is now attempting to weaken the Hoyokazi family - enough to either destroy their power structure or absorb them into the fold of the Tasogare family.


Whether he is successful or not, is dependent on his own capacity to control his mind - should it otherwise be subsumed by the Eien no Yoru blade's malevolent intent.

After a brief encounter with Ryozo Hoyokazi, Akito has declared him an enemy of the Tasogare family.[1]

Later, after Asami and Hanabi encountered one of Sanctuary City's greatest vigilantes - their forced retreat convinced Akito to shift the Tasogare family's efforts towards recruiting strong fighters in the West.[2]

All of this was done with the hopes of building up an army capable of destroying the Hoyokazi family in one fell swoop.

Currently, Akito plans a two-pronged assault against both the Hoyokazis in Japan, and the vigilantes in the West. Whether he is successful or not remains to be seen now.



Akito has a Meta-Gene that grants him substantial energy manipulation abilities. He can passively absorb ambient energy in his surroundings, storing it and channeling back in various ways.

He can also passively generate enormous amounts of energy - to allowing him to gradually and systematically alter his own physiology, strengthening it over the course of a decade.

His cellular structure is also reinforced by this ability, constantly saturated with energy to prolong his own longevity as a human.

Shadow Arts

As a Tasogare and as Kagemusha, Akito has access to three unique Shadow Arts - magical techniques and abilities that are inherent to members of the Tasogare family.


Akito's fused Shadow Art, gained from his fusion with the Eien no Yoru's malevolent entity.

This ability allows Akito to manipulate space to a nigh-absolute degree, compressing and sharpening raw force into a powerful slashing technique.

This technique is able to bypass virtually all forms of durability and protection - and is only negated by equally powerful supernatural forces, such as magic.

While the Fissure technique is at its strongest through the Eien no Yoru blade - Akito can use his fingers to achieve a weaker version of the technique.

The weaker version of Fissure is quicker to pull off - but has a much shorter range.

When faced with a target that is far stronger than a normal object - Akito has to focus the "sharpness" of the attack in order to match and exceed the durability of his target.

This means that stronger enemies have a time window to resist the Fissure technique - before Akito inevitably breaks through their defenses.

Time Travel

Through the power of the Fissure Shadow Art, Akito can slice through the fabric of space-time itself, exiting the space-time continuum and allowing himself the capacity to travel to any fixed point in space and time.

Akito's actions, as is the case with any time traveler, are subject to the Bootstrap interpretation of time travel - wherein any and all actions involved during time travel have already occurred retroactively in the present.

As such, Akito is not actually changing the fate of any event when he travels through time; instead he is either witnessing or causing said events to have always happened - as they were predestined to occur.


Akito's innate Shadow Art, the one he was born with, and is truly unique to himself as a Tasogare family member.

The ability allows Akito to manipulate the fabric of space-time to a nigh-absolute degree.

Space Manipulation

Akito's primary usage of this power is the direct alteration of space itself - allowing him create vacuums, spatial barriers and even pocket dimensions.

Akito can also use this ability to teleport instantaneously - and there is no known limit to its range.

In addition to himself, Akito can also teleport others with this technique.

Furthermore, Akito can reinforce his punches and kicks with both spatial and gravitational force - essentially doubling his striking power, or multiplying it even further if necessary.

While no hand gestures are required for technique to be used, Akito can coordinate spatial manipulation more easily by using hand gestures as a frame of reference.

Time Manipulation

Another application of Akito's Expanse Shadow Art is the capacity to alter the perception and experience of time in a localized manner - either speeding it up or slowing it down as he sees fit.

He can utilize localized spatial-temporal bubbles to teleport objects and people elsewhere, slow them down or even rapidly age them up.

Akito can also freeze objects in place with this ability, effectively placing them in stasis. He can also bring time to an infinitesimally slow point, allowing him to move normally in an otherwise frozen world.

Only beings with sufficient levels of supernatural power, magic or other supernatural characteristics can resist the effects of Akito's Expanse Shadow Art.

Shadow Beasts

The final Shadow Art, an inherited technique passed down from generations of Tasogare leaders.

The ability allows Akito to summon twelve magical creatures through a mass of shadows that he creates.

These magical creatures each have their own unique abilities an weaknesses - and can either be manually coordinated by Akito, or given set parameters to operate independently with.

Eien no Akuma

The most dangerous of the Shadow Beasts is Eien no Akuma, or simply Akuma - The Demon of Eternity.

Akuma has the ability to gradually mimic the properties and characteristics of whatever it is attacked by.

The mimicry process is prolonged, however, and takes several minutes to fully take effect.

Akuma is itself an incredibly dangerous beast - nearly indestructible by conventional means, and almost mandates a supernatural response in order to destroy it entirely.

The most effective way to destroy Akuma is to overwhelm it with counterbalancing characteristics - forcing it to mimic its own weaknesses and accelerate its destruction without added effort.

Seishin Shiryoku

The Seishin Shiryoku (Spirit Sight) is the name given to Akito's supernatural and magic-based eyes, created through the use of a Sacrificial Pact by his mother, Sakura.

From the pact, Akito gained supernatural levels of sight - allowing him to perceive ghosts, spirits and other forms of non-physical and non-corporeal phenomena.

In addition, Akito's energy efficiency is pushed to its absolute limit due to this ability - making him virtually impossible to wear out in a fight.

This improved efficiency, combined with his inherent energy generation, give him virtually infinite stamina.

Furthermore, Akito can see the path of magical forces and magical energies as they occur around him, allowing him to trace supernatural phenomena and predict said phenomena before they occur.

Similar to Ryozo Hoyokazi's Chakra eyes, Akito also has the ability to replicate the physical motions of those he observes in an instant - thanks to the Spirit Sight ability that he now demonstrates.


Eien no Yoru

The Tasogare family sword, also known as Eternal Night. It is the source of the Tasogare family's magical powers - such as Shadow Arts and Sacrificial Pacts. It also houses the spirit of the magical god-like being known as Kurai.

The sword contains Kurai's will, and magically binds itself to its user - who is usually the head of the Tasogare family.

Once bound, the user and Kurai's will slowly become one - as they become the composite being known as Kagemusha.

The Eien no Yoru can absorb magical energy and disperse it. The sword can also imbue others with latent magical potential - allowing them to develop their own Shadow Arts, though at the expense of their free will.

Akito can also remotely control the sword with his mind - which he used to catch Ryozo Hoyokazi off guard in their first confrontation. [1]

Kagemusha Armor

The mystical armor that Akito wears when he assumes the role of Kagemusha. It is reinforced with magical power, and can withstand substantial amounts of force.

The armor also distorts Akito's voice, making him completely unrecognizable.


Master Swordsmanship

Akito is a master of all known forms of Japanese sword combat - including Kenjutsu and Iaijutsu. Though he has a preference for quick draw techniques to quickly finish encounters, he is also capable of longer confrontations.

Martial Arts

Akito is also skilled in different forms of Martial Arts, from Karate and Tae Kwon Do to Judo and even more eccentric styles such as Capoeira.


  • Akito and his younger sister Asami are not Hiruzen's only children.
    • He has several half-brothers and half-sisters who also have Shadow Arts.
    • Akito was chosen as the head of the Tasogare family due to the Sacrificial Pact that his mother Sakura made in secret - years after he was born.
      • His immense affinity for magic and the Shadow Arts is thanks to his Spirit Sight - which is the result of his mother's Sacrificial Pact.
        • That extreme affinity is what made him Hiruzen's chosen successor.
  • Akito has red eye markings on his face - which denote his fusion with Kurai.
    • He has occasionally been teased by his sister for his "eyeliner".
  • Akito's favorite color is red, unsurprisingly so.
  • Akito and Ryozo's fathers were originally close friends, until Ryozo's father married into the Hoyokazi family.
    • As such, Akito believes that Ryozo should show loyalty to him over the Hoyokazi family.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Shadow of the Blade"
  2. "Contiguity"