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Meta-Humans (Also known as Homonus Vltrus), are a sub-section of Humanity. They are Humans with a unique gene on their 23rd chromosome pair, designated as "MH-001" (colloquially known as the Meta-Gene), which gives them superhuman abilities when activated. Generally thought to be a natural offshoot of humanity, Meta-Humans have become a prominent demographic within the larger expanse of the world - concentrated primarily in Western countries due to their origins. While Meta-Humans have been generally integrated into society and culture, they are nonetheless targeted as scapegoats for various geopolitical and economic circumstances. They are also weaponized in various experimental programs which are done in order to provide strategic benefits to various nations and organizations across the world.


Cellular Structure

Meta-Humans are generally born with a unique 23rd chromosome pair in their genome, carrying a gene known as "MH-001" or more casually as the "Meta-Gene". This gene, found in the nucleolus of the cell, encodes specific proteins that lead to the creation of "Metachondria" - unique organelles found inside of the cytoplasm of Meta-Human cells. The MH-001 gene also encodes for the creation of Meta-Proteins known as "MHP-002" and "MHP-003". In addition, enzymes known as "MHE-004" and "MHE-005" are encoded in the MH-001 gene as well. The Metachondria of the cell produce biochemical substrates that bind to the MHE enzymes in order to catalyze the metamorphic reactions that give Meta-Humans their abilities. There are enzyme inhibitors that can weaken the effectiveness of these reactions, however they are generally disabled in the bodies of most Meta-Humans.


Most Meta-Humans have a skeletal and musculature structure very similar to that of a Human being. There are no discernible differences from regular Humans in the case of most Meta-Humans. However, certain Meta-Humans with visually distinct characteristics (e.g., wings, animalistic features) may have varying skeletal and musculature systems; usually maintained by the innate abilities manifested from their Meta-Gene. Most Meta-Humans have a degree of physical strength generally above that of normal humans - due to a byproduct of their Metachondria cellular factors amplifying the production of musculature cells, for reinforced durability and strength.


Early Period (1960s - 1970s)

Meta-Humans first came about as the result of an experimental procedure involving alien material, recovered from a meteorite strike. The meteorite, an obsidian and ruby ore the size of a car, crash landed in the continental United States on June 6th, 1960. The meteorite was immediately recovered by the U.S. Government and examined for study. Upon initial inspection, scientists noticed a strange, glowing red substance arcing across the crystaline structure of the meteorite ore. The substance was chemically inert in most circumstances, but reacted strongly in the presence of biological material - carbon-based in nature. After theorizing about the substance's potential mutagenic properties, the substance was then dubbed "Metanium", and initially believed to be a new chemical element from the deep reaches of outer space.

Subsequent experimentation involving the Metanium led to the creation of the "Meta-Human Genesis" Project. An experimental initiative in which the Metanium substance was suspended inside of a carrier fluid, aerosolized and then converted into pressurized vapor. This was done after learning that Metanium could be evaporated from its liquid state at room temperature - at extremely high pressures (even sublimation from a solid state was possible with the same pressurized conditions). The lead experimenter on the project was Dr. Amadeus Grayson - a revered scientist and molecular biologist, hired by the U.S. Government to determine the viability of the Metanium substance for combat purposes. Although reluctant at first to engage with the request, Amadeus eventually relented. The first experiments involved injured prisoners from correctional facilities who had waived their rights for experimentation purposes. The subjects were injected with a saline solution of the vaporized Metanium, intravenously, in order to observe the potential of the mutagenic substance adaptational abilities. The subjects all died shortly after injection - with the cause of death later determined to be the concentration of vaporized solution given.

However, one subject did achieve success with the experiment. The subject, known as "MHEXP-001", was a man in his late 20s with no history of genetic or environmentally developed diseases. The lone survivor of the subject was then subsequently tested again several times afterwards. With each injection of the Metanium, the subject became more and more unstable - until they finally manifested Pyrokinesis; the psionic ability to generate and manipulate fire and flames. This was the first officially recorded display of a Meta-Human ability.

Later in the testing process, Dr. Grayson continued his experiments on behalf of the U.S. Government - only later relenting after recognizing the unstable nature of the subjects he was creating. They were seemingly stronger and more durable than regular humans, with a remarkable degree of supernatural skill and power. He would later name these humans "Meta-Humans" for their blatantly supernatural displays of power and strength. During one of his experiments, Dr. Grayson had been testing a variant of the Metanium that had mutated into a different form. This new variant of the Metanium was highly virulent in nature, capable of propagating itself in its inorganic state like a virus. During an experiment, a test subject instinctively threw the vial containing the mutated Metanium away from them - causing it to fall to the ground, shattering.

The shattered vial then released the inorganic and virulent mutagenic substance - causing it to begin rapidly transmitting itself throughout the facility, out of the ventilation systems and out into the wider world. The substance - undetectable to the human eye, would later propagate across the entire world, slowly mutating the genetic information of all Human beings - but only Human beings. Now carrying the MH-001 gene due to the genetic recombination effects of the Metanium - humans would slowly begin giving birth to Meta-Humans at a gradual rate. The recessive nature of the MH-001 gene made the propagation slow and gradual, but over time more and more Meta-Humans would start to appear across the world - leading to their later emergence as a sub-group of humanity.

Decades later in the mid 1980s, Dr. Amadeus Grayson would later die from concentrated exposure to the Metanium substance; then leaving behind his two young sons, Elias and Silas Grayson, to continue in his footsteps and further their understanding of the Meta-Gene.