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* Laplace views humanity as the regressed state of Thulcandra - with human beings likened to "unruly cattle" in his mind.
* Laplace views humanity as the regressed state of Thulcandra - with human beings likened to "unruly cattle" in his mind.

[[Category:Characters]] [[Category: Earth-0 Characters]] [[Category: Humans]] [[Category: Magic]] [[Category: Para-Humans]]
[[Category:Characters]] [[Category: Earth-0 Characters]] [[Category: Humans]] [[Category: Magic]] [[Category: Para-Humans]] [[Category:Magister Characters]]

Revision as of 21:39, 13 December 2023

"Eshiram" - Laplace's Thulcandran Form

Laplace Eshiram Sefirot (also known on Earth as Davos Meridian) is a Thulcandran Chronarch from the Planet Thulcandra. He is the founder of House Sefirot; the second oldest House in the planet's history - second only to House Thaumiel.

He is a nomadic Thulcandran with dreams of conquest; he aims to find a civilization of Humans, which he can cultivate into his own brand of Thulcandrans - in a bid to outshine his rival Samael Thaumiel and the rest of House Thaumiel.

He is the older brother of Maxwell Sefirot - who is the greatest warrior on Thulcandra, after Rafael Thaumiel.


Laplace was once a normal human being on Earth-100, much like Samael. Before his transformation, he was one of the few scientists in the world attempting to find a solution for the global ecological disasters that were destroying the planet. Unsuccessful in his goals, he was then one of the few humans who survived the bombardment of energies from higher dimensions; as the Power Storm ravaged the Earth.

Alongside his friend, Durante, Laplace would then help to rebuild society, while now having the capabilities and hyper intelligence necessary to find solutions to Earth's problems. However, he refused to venture further into the structural weaknesses in reality created by the Power Storm's arrival. His friend Durante, however, leaped at the chance to explore further into the supernatural powers that had manifested on their world. He and his older sister, Valencia, then ended up becoming the first Chronarchs - and began using their powers in order to rapidly reshape society to their liking.

Stunned at their blatant disregard for the lives and personal histories of billions of human beings - an enraged Laplace decided to act. Now feeling betrayed by the reckless abandon of his friend, Laplace also forcefully imbued himself with greater degrees of power and energy - becoming a Chronarch alongside Durante and Valencia. While his friends decided to change their names to reflect their new titles, Laplace kept his name - only changing his surname to establish a rival house that could eventually surpass the Thaumiels - and become the prevailing House on Thulcandra.

After Thulcandra's transportation to Earth-0, in an attempt to escape their greatest enemy - Laplace took an interest in the new Earth, recognizing the similarities between the Thulcandrans and the Meta-Humans of the planet. In a bid to transform the Earth into a second Thulcandra, one that would give him the ability to overthrow the Thaumiels - Laplace then set his plan into motion, his slow attempted takeover of planet Earth.

Powers & Abilities

Laplace has all of the standard powers and abilities of a Thulcandran and a Chronarch, including:

Thulcandran Abilities

  • Supernatural Physical Characteristics
  • Hyper-Intelligence (Due to evolved brain structure)
  • Parallel Processing
  • Supernatural Memory Storage
  • Extra-Sensory Perception | ESP
  • Multiple Sets of Organs
  • Vibration Control
  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Memory Manipulation
  • Information Control
  • Empathy
  • Illusions
Laplace's Magitek Armor

Chronarch Abilities

  • Time Slow
  • Time "Stop" (infinitesimally slow movement)
  • Time Reversal
  • Time Looping
  • Time Sight
  • Localized Personal Timeline (allowing for rapid movement from the perspective of the user)
  • Temporal DNA Strand
  • Teleportation (by folding space)
  • Portal Creation (by creating holes in space)
  • Displacement
  • Space Erasure (by ripping space apart)
  • Space Expansion (by stretching space at the seams gradually)


Unlike most Thulcandrans - Laplace has taken an interest in the capabilities of esoteric forces, such as magic. After utilizing his ability to travel through time, Laplace has explored the summation of humanity's ancient history with magic - spending centuries learning the discipline.

Laplace is capable of:

  • Spell Casting
  • Summoning
  • Astral Projection
  • Banishment
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Auto-Shields
  • Field Projection
  • Constructs
  • Reality Warping
  • Transmutation


Trans-Temporal Carrier (TTC)

Like all Chronarchs, Laplace has a personal Trans-Temporal Carrier that he uses as his base of operations. It functions the same as all TTCs, with his being especially devoted to his cause.

Quantum Tuner

As a Chronarch, Laplace carries a modified Quantum Turner, capable of the same functions as any other. However, his is seemingly modified with magical technology to allow more effective spell casting.


  • Laplace is named after Laplace's Demon - the hypothetical thought experiment in which the nature of Deterministic action was argued.
    • Laplace as a Thulcandran Chronarch - genuinely believes in the power of cause and effect; and convinced that any and all actions taken - can be manipulated to a specific conclusion.
    • As such, he is hell-bent on his goal of taking over the world, as he believes it is his destiny to remake Earth into the Thulcandra that "should have been" in his mind.
  • Laplace views humanity as the regressed state of Thulcandra - with human beings likened to "unruly cattle" in his mind.