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The name or term "Aiden Grayson" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Aiden Grayson (disambiguation).
The Archetypal sorcerer - almost to a fault, depending on who you ask.

Aiden Ethan Grayson is the Sorcerer Supreme of the universe designated as "Earth-1" in the larger multiverse. His official title is "Magisterus Praetoricus Lacertus" ("Teacher of Power"), which simplifies to "Magister". He is also the CEO of Archeon Incorporated in his world, similar to his Mainline Counterpart.


Magister is one of the few beings in the multiverse to be born as an Astral, a being attuned to the higher cosmos. Though unaware of this fact for most of his life, Magister does carry within him a latent ability to perceive and interact with the fabric of reality - an ability that eventually guided him towards the Crystal of Earth-1, ultimately leading him to become the Sorcerer Supreme of the universe.

Although not as well versed in the trappings of Sorcerer Supreme work, relative to that of his original teacher, Magister still maintains an incredibly efficient work ethic - in an attempt to live up to the examples set before him. In this regard, he has stopped various supernatural threats from attacking the domain of his universe's Crystal, including a sentient dimension, hellbent on sustaining its hunger for the essence of cosmic energies.[1]

Early on in Aiden's life, as he first began his training to become Sorcerer Supreme, he was eventually taught by his main mentor - utilizing very....."esoteric" methods. Regardless of their intent, their actions would quickly form an emotional rift between Magister and themselves, leading to a strained relationship in the coming years. Nevertheless, Magister persisted in his studies and training to become the most effective sorcerer in his universe.

Magister has a somewhat strained relationship with his family, due to the nature of his work as Sorcerer Supreme.[1]

He later aided his fellow Sorcerers Supreme in a situation involving the Thaumian Djinn - Iblis. [2] There, he reencountered Igestis, demonstrating a complex set of emotions in response to her arrival.[2] Afterwards, he later reconciled his feelings towards Igestis to a degree, with help from his auxiliary mentor, the Greek Titan Prometheus.

Magister then aided more Sorcerer Supremes on another mission, to help a Goddess in a quest to recover the collective hearts and souls of the people of a distant world. [3]

Powers & Abilities

Conceptual Absorption

As the Incarnation of the Power IsoMatrix on Earth-1, Magister has the ability to absorb the conceptual power and essence of any object with a touch. Through this technique, Magister can store and utilize the powers and abilities of anyone he comes into contact with - even supernatural beings. There is a risk to using this ability haphazardly however, as Magister imprints aspects of the target being into his own essence, running the risk of changing his behavior if not properly handled.

He has the ability to excise elements of power from his body in the same manner, allowing him to regulate the degree of conceptual power being stored inside of his body at any given time.


As the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-1, Magister is imbued with an unfathomable and virtually infinite degree of magical energy - similar to other Sorcerers Supreme. Due to this infusion of self-perpetuating energy, Magister is capable of magical feats with a near-unlimited degree of scale and complexity.

Given his decade of training, Magister displays all the abilities shared among Sorcerers Supreme, including:

  • Supernatural Physical Characteristics
    • Supernatural Strength
    • Supernatural Speed
    • Supernatural Durability
    • Supernatural Reflexes
    • Supernatural Coordination
    • Supernatural Stamina
  • Flight
  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Teleportation
  • Mystical Sealing
  • Effect Nullification
  • Astral Projection
  • Conjuration
  • Scrying
  • Universal Multilingualism (Perfect Language Translation)
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Matter Manipulation
  • Soul Absorption
  • Time Manipulation (Localized)
    • Time Stopping
    • Time Slowing
    • Time Reversal
    • Time Travel (Limited)
  • Dimensional Interaction
    • Pocket Dimension Creation
  • Elemancy
    • Pyromancy
    • Cryomancy
    • Gyromancy
  • Psychometry
  • Various Resistances and Immunities
  • Reality Warping (Through Magic)
  • Shape-Shifting
  • Necromancy
  • Possession
  • Intangibility
  • Invisibility
  • Replication
  • Banishment


As Sorcerer Supreme, Magister is uniquely trained in various disciplines, much like his peers.

Due to his years of training under the tutelage of various Gods and Sorcerers Supreme such as Igestis, he has demonstrated various skills over his years of work including:

  • Martial Arts Proficiency
  • Immense Scientific Knowledge
  • Substantial Magical Knowledge
  • Spell Casting Proficiency
  • Analytical Skills
    • Critical Reasoning
    • Intuition
    • Problem Solving
    • Logical Reasoning


Magister has a series of unique artifacts, granted to him during his Sorcerer Supreme training. These artifacts help to aid him in his work, due to their passive effects. The artifacts also have active effects which can be utilized as needed.

The artifacts are:

  • Robes of Ra - [Functions]: Direct Channeling of Ra's Divine Essence | Ambient Solar Absorption
  • Apertures of Anansi - [Functions]: Perfect Perception | Detection of Ethereal and Extra-Dimensional Phenomena
  • Artifice (Wand) of Aeolus - [Functions]: Control of Cosmic Winds | Massive Universal-Scale Banishment
  • Swathe of the Sefirot - [Functions]: Energy Amplification | Mana Amplification
  • Seal of the Seraphim - [Functions]: Ambient Energy Absorption | Mana Conversion / Ethereal Mana Projection
  • Gloves of Gnosticism - [Functions]: Supernatural Dexterity | Perfect Muscle Memory
  • Soles of Savitar - [Functions]: Complete Motion Control | Absolute Speed
  • Harness of Hephaestus - [Functions]: Meta Crafting and Absolute Storage | Unique Object Fusion
  • Disc of Dakshinamurthy - [Functions]: Bilateral Encoding and Decoding | Perfect Cryptography
  • Draupnir Ring - [Functions]: Omnifarous Duplication, Property Alteration and Unique Object Creation
  • Gungnir Staff | Spear - [Functions]: Magical Energy Conduit and Omni-Directional Precision | Runic Imprinting
  • Tome of Thoth - [Functions]: Encyclopedic Information and an Omni-Magic Spell Index [Thaumaturgical Construct]


Magister has accumulated a vast list of unique magical spells - compartmentalized algorithms which generally invoke the power of a deity to activate. Although Magister is capable of utilizing magical spells without the need of a divine conduit, the process of utilizing spells with divine connections is far more efficient in most circumstances.

His list of spells includes:

  • Seas of Susano-O - [Functions]: Cryokinetic and Hydrokinetic effects, along with Storm and Flood creation [Conjuration Magic]
  • Soul of the Seraphim - [Functions]: Abjuration Magnification [Healing Magic]
  • Cyan Constraints of Char'tur - [Functions]: Transmutation-based bindings [Alteration Magic]
  • Spheres of the Sultan - [Functions]: Shielding Constructs, Automatic Magical Shields and Paradoxical Attack Nullification [Alteration Magic]
  • Particles of Pasithea - [Functions]: Complete Immobilization, Paralysis and Induced Sleep [Illusion Magic]
  • Substrates of Seshat - [Functions]: The instantaneous and perfect cloning of the caster and any objects they focus on cloning as well [Alteration Magic]
  • Flames of Xiuhtecuhtli - [Functions]: Immaterial Fire with Supernatural Burning and a Durability Bypass [Destruction Magic]
  • Aura of Astraea - [Functions]: Astral Purification Projection with Spiritual Cleansing [Abjuration Magic]
  • Soliloquy of Sia | Saa - [Functions]: Perfect Illusion Crafting with Psychosomatic Effects [Illusion Magic]
  • Abstractions of Atum-Ra - [Functions]: [Unknown] - An Incredibly Powerful Spell [Thaumaturgic Magic]

Operational Preferences


Magister has a free-flowing approach to combat that involves extensive displays of dexterity, skill and complex maneuvers; which he uses to harmlessly disable his foes, if possible.


Magister generally prefers utilizing specialized runes. In Magister's standard missions, runes are seen as mana circuits. They're magnetized structures which can draw ambient mana from their environment, in order to amplify their effects, as casted by the user in most situations. As ethereal structures that are only partially phased into normal space, the runes are incapable of being tampered with in conventional manners; nor are they able to be suppressed without magical interventions.


As a Sorcerer Supreme, Magister has an extensive amount of knowledge involving the activation of magical phenomena through gestures. As a form of evocation magic, gestures allow Magister to utilize small portions of the magical energy stored inside of his body to evoke a certain effect. By utilizing specific magical gestures, Magister can redirect the flow of mana throughout his body into shapeable effects in the form of his hand gestures.


Another form of evocation achieved through vocal recitation of ancient words of power. Arcane words hold intrinsic and inherent meaning within them. Speaking the true nature of an arcane word unlocks its inner power for the user - allowing the effect of magic to be magnified through various incantations.

Reverse reading of incantations is more difficult, but allows for an exponentially more powerful magnification of the magical effect being utilized.

Natural Phenomena

Throughout the worlds and dimensions that Magister travels, occasionally he will come across a natural nexus of magical energies and power. These energies, which appear as fulcrums of higher-dimensional magical power, are generally beyond the detection of most mortal beings. Only those with high affinities for magic can sense these phenomena, allowing Sorcerers Supreme like Magister to utilize the energy reserves of these natural phenomena to amplify the strength of the given magical effects being activated.


  • Magister has two-toned hair, both black and white.
    • His natural hair color is black, but partially turned white after preemptively absorbing the energies of his world's Crystal.
      • This is a signature of his mana saturation, a being who perpetually generates immense quantities of magical energy.
      • When on Earth-1 performing his duties as CEO of Archeon, Magister uses illusory magic to turn his hair fully black, like before.
  • Magister has conflicting romantic feelings for multiple women.
    • He still has a romantic attraction to Igestis, despite the deliberate psychological manipulations she did to him during his training.
      • The reason for these feelings is due to Igestis's decision to be "intimate" with him multiple times throughout his training - in an attempt to speed up his emotional development as a young adult.
        • Up until recently, he had a "relationship" with Igestis that could only be described as "the occasional visit", despite his distrust of her.
        • He does however have a strong respect for her skill as Sorceress Supreme.
    • He also has a strong attraction to Crepido (Earth-4), an alternate version of Stephanie Thompson who is the Sorceress Supreme of her universe.
      • In comparison to Igestis, Magister has more of a normal relationship with Crepido (Earth-4).
  • Magister is in his early 20s, though his age hasn't been stated to most.
    • He started his Sorcerer Supreme training at around age 15 with the Greek Titan Prometheus and the Egyptian God Thoth.
      • His advanced training began with Igestis, when he was 18 years old.
  • Magister's favorite food is deep dish pizza with mostly meat and vegetable toppings. He doesn't like mushrooms. Though he does love black olives and green peppers.
  • Magister's favorite Deity is Prometheus - due to his sense of daring and defiance, as well as his willingness to risk the wrath of the Greek Pantheon for the sake of humanity as mortal beings.
  • Magister is currently the most powerful version of Aiden Grayson - obviously due to his nature as an Astral, and his status as Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-1.
  • Magister has many similarities to his fellow Sorcerer Supreme - "Doctor" of Earth-0.
    • They're both Human-Astral Hybrids.
    • They both started training to be Sorcerer Supreme of their respective universes from their teenage years.
    • They have both had Thoth as one of their primary teachers.
    • They both have a unique copy of the Tome of Thoth - a powerful Thaumaturgic Magical Artifact[2].
    • They both know a version of Stephanie Thompson who is Sorceress Supreme of her universe.
    • They're both somewhat introverted, relative to their peers.
  • Magister's favorite instrument is the Electric Guitar.
  • Prometheus was the first person to inquire about Magister's unique Astral nature, surprising him, as no one outside of his family was aware of that fact.
  • Magister spends most of his time in his Sanctum's Library - The "Locus Scientia" ("Place of Knowledge").
  • Magister generally is the most serious of the Sorcerers Supreme during field work - due to his method of rationalizing the circumstances he found himself in with Igestis years ago.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Contiguity"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Iocosus Magicus"
  3. "Threads of Fate"