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A vampire is a human who has been infected by vampirism.

Also Called

  • Blood Suckers
  • Leeches
  • Vamps
  • Mosquitos
  • Bats


Not undead but alive, a vampire is a human being who has been transformed by vampirism. Whether considered a blessing, a curse, or simply a viral infection, vampirism exhibits some apparent supernatural qualities.

Despite there being differing groups, and sometimes even unique individuals, all vampires share the same basic qualities. Such as their superhuman physical abilities, or mainly, the need to drink blood for their primary method of sustenance. Although things such as food can be used to supplement this for a time, or simply as something to enjoy on the side, all vampires require blood regularly, being able to go roughly two to three days without feeding, before starvation begins. Most however, tend to feed daily.


The origin of vampires is unknown, with there being many different theories of it's origins. Some say modern vampires are the descendants of an original, undead predecessor, having several of it's own variety of theories on these supposed ancestors and how they differ from the modern vampire. Others believe vampirism to be some sort of blessing or curse from one or more deities, or maybe the result of some sort of ancient magic. Regardless, vampirism has no solid agreed upon origin, with it only being universally agreed that vampirism itself is very old, and that vampires used to differ somehow in the past.

Society & Culture

As a species that appears in multiple universes, vampires can have vastly different cultures depending on their environment, much like the humans they started out as.


On Earth-25, vampires have adopted a hierarchal clan-based culture, with clans being formed from the various "bloodlines", or variations of vampirism, with each clan ultimately being controlled by the oldest and/or most powerful member of the clan. How these clans are structured varies wildly on the attitude of those making it up, with some clans essentially being a loose affiliation, while others act as strict units, and others acting almost like actual family units despite the lack of actual blood relation. Vampires associated with clans that lack the clan's bloodline are typically treated as second-class members, taking roles as lackeys and servants for any clan that cares about such things - although this is not a universal rule.

Besides the clan system, vampires on Earth-25 maintain a strict veil of secrecy, primarily as a survival tactic. Any vampire that is found to expose their kind to the outside world is typically dealt with quickly, with their execution being handled by a special caste of vampires that mostly spend their time hunting their peers. Vampires that are not currently associated with a clan formally are considered a violation of this rule, and as such are free game for any hunter vampires[1].

Known Clans


An all but extinct clan, the Carmilla clan traditionally only turns women, and is ruled by a Matriarch, who is advised by a council of her potential successors, all of whom are granted the title of "Princess". Traditionally, any individual turned by the current matriarch is considered a member of her inner circle, no matter her apparent ability. The Carmilla bloodline grants those with it the ability to use telepathy, making the members of the clan master manipulators and cunning politicians. This ability was a double-edged sword, however, as it created a culture of constant infighting and scheme, and led to many other vampire clans mistrusting the Carmillas - a combination of facts that ultimately led to the majority of the clan being wiped out.

There is only one member of the Carmilla clan currently alive, Amelia Cox, the self-titled "Last of the Carmillas"[1].


A widespread and informal clan, Striga vampires take on features from animals to grant them physical advantages, such as the teeth of a shark or the plating of an armadillo. Due to their animalistic traits, Striga are often more violent and brutal than their counterparts, and this is reflected in their culture. Striga vampires typically do not possess many deep bonds, with most only interacting with a handful of their fellow clan members over their lifetimes.

Due to their isolation, many Striga take up roles as vampire hunters, revelling in an officially sanctioned method of engaging in their violent impulses.

Known Members:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Metamorphosis