
A Magician or Mage is someone who practices the arts of Magic.
Also Called
- Witch/Wizard
- Warlock
- Spell-Caster
- Magic User
- Enchanter/Enchantress
A Magician/Mage is a catch-all term for anyone who utilizes Magic. Typically, the term is used more specifically to refer to those who have a primary focus on studying and practicing Magic. However, it can also be used to refer to anyone who has shown even a modicum of magical ability, regardless of power or skill.
A Sorcerer/Sorceress is someone who has shown innate magical power in some form, and isn't required to study or learn any particular schools of Magic. While the majority of time a sorcerer is born with their power, there are some exceptions.
Despite their innate magical powers, the majority of Sorcerers will at the very least have done a little bit of studying, making them not too different from their more typical peers.
- Like Magic itself these terms are flexible and subject to change from place to place.
- Individuals may or may not be aware of the definition of these terms and use them interchangeably, or even to describe something completely different.